Vision of Prophet Ezekiel 2


Ezekiel saw a “likeness” of G-d, therefore, we still do not know exactly what G-d looks like. This seems to be the usual way for the mystics to describe their vision of G-d and is the reason the mystery of the vision and the mystery of what G-d actually looks like is retained. The kavod (the glory of G-d) was also a concept which began with Ezekiel. He felt that the kavod is the human form of G-d’s manifestation, a luminous body in the shape of an anthropos. The body was enveloped with splendour from the waist up and fire from the waist down. This luminosity forms a major part of Jewish mysticism. In the same way as there exists a kavod in which G-d’s image comes into view, there also emerges a garment (haluk) which enfolds the body. The aggadah and various hymns of the Merkavah mystics, dating as far back as the third century describe this garment. The hymns explain how the heavens illuminate from this mystical ‘shape’, and there is a passage which says that “constellations and stars and signs emanate from His garment, in which He wraps Himself and sits upon the throne of glory.” Another hymn recounts that G-d uncovered the seven heavens of Sinai and showed Himself to Israel, in His beauty, His shape, His crown, and upon the throne of His glory.


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Original, A4 Print (approx 21 x 30 cm), A3 Print (approx 30 x 42 cm), A2 Print (approx 42 x 60 cm), A1 Print (approx 60 x 84 cm)


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